Wednesday, October 1, 2008


A few new ones.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a nice day at the beach, and the dogs had a great time. You sure can take the bumps!

Shannon said...

It was a very nice day... unlike today. I don't know about your place, but we got completely dumped on today. Ah, just the beginning of the many dark, wet, and cold months ahead.

Stephanie said...

Looks like your helpers there were having a lot of fun! (I'm referring to the ones with the tails.)

Shannon said...

I wanna be a dog.

Anonymous said...

On the day I test drove my new iBOT I buried it in mud up to the axles. My trainer had suggested taking it over to a pond and driving to the water's edge. So we spent some time with the garden hose and rags cleaning it up. It was fun, though. Anyway, it's been a long time since your last post. Are you there?

Shannon said...

That sounds like fun! I haven't done any major mud in the Bot yet. I did get stuck in very soft sand once. While it was a bit frustrating, it was oddly quite fun. I guess I was just so happy that I was actually on soft sand.

I'm so glad the iBOT can be hosed down. I've done that many times... sand, mud, dog poop. When I first got the bot, I didn't want to hose it down because I thought it might do some damage. But IT told me that it's sealed so tightly that there's nothing to worry about.

I'm alive and well! Thanks so much for checking on me. On top of being very busy, I haven't been in a blogging mood. I go through phases.

Do you have an iBOT, or have you just done the test drive? I ask because if you do have one, I'm wondering what you think about the stair climbing feature? For me, I've decided it's pretty much useless. I'll blog about it someday soon.

Anonymous said...

I have owned an iBOT for two months and haven't used the stair climbing mode yet. It would have to be a pretty good looking set of stairs and if there was such a thing it would probably be in a building with an elevator. I look forward to your comments.
I do use the 4-wheel-drive a lot. Yesterday I spent an hour raking leaves and hauling them to the compost bin. It was great to be able to get down in the ditches and pull leaves away from my culverts. I do not plan to go back to the pond anytime soon, at least not without company. Irv

Shannon said...

Do you use the balance function much Irv?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Shannon - to answer your question, I don't use balance mode a lot but the need hasn't come up often. I have used it at the grocery store and the library to reach higher shelves. I was at the Walker a couple weeks ago to view the modern art and I put it in balance to get a normal person's perspective. (Still didn't help.) In one gallery I drew more attention than the art. I have also used it in my house to rearrange my book shelves. So, it is a function that really comes in handy sometimes but not all the time. I would add that the ability to raise the height while in 4WD is helpful when filling the bird feeders I have hanging from a telegraph pole.

Shannon said...

The Walker in Mpls? I don't think I knew you were from MN. Maybe I did, but my memory is terrible. Anyway, I used to live a few blocks from the Walker.

I know what you mean about drawing more attention than the art. I often feel that way. I went to the science museum last week and one of the volunteers opened the entrance door for me and said that they had been admiring my chair while I waited outside for a friend. She said they thought that I should be an exhibit.